5 Blissful Ways to Celebrate Mother Earth Day, Everyday!

This beautiful Earth is your home.
You don’t live alone but coexist with all other living creatures sharing the same resources that Mother Earth so generously offers you. As a way of showing gratitude, it becomes your utmost responsibility to protect Earth and her resources.
This year it’s the 50th anniversary of celebrating Earth Day, and the theme for this year is climate action. Human activities such as deforestation, poaching, unsustainable agriculture, trafficking, pollution, pesticides, habitat loss, and climate change have severely affected this precious planet.
We don’t have Planet B! So how do we protect our home together? Here are a few simple steps.
Recycling is essential to protect the future health of our planet. Recycling helps to conserve natural resources, protects ecosystems and wildlife, reduces demand for new raw materials, lowers carbon emissions, promotes cheap waste disposal, and creates livelihoods.
If you recycle wood and paper, you save trees. Likewise, recycling plastic reduces the need to create more new ones. Same way, if you reuse metals, you lessen the need for more expensive mining. Glass is the most easy and cost effective resource to recycle – or simply keep it and reuse it around the home. Some small and simple steps that make a huge difference to Mother Earth.
Living more sustainably can dramatically reduce the impact on our environment by just by a few small lifestyle changes. We recommend the following practices although not everything will be possible. It is about making small and smart choices that work for you. It is about being mindful!
- Switch lights off and opt for energy-efficient lighting and bulbs
- walk, bike or carpool to work/school
- Spend more time reading and playing board games, reducing your dependability on entertainment forms that require energy
- Unplugging devices when, not in use
- By using natural, non-toxic cleaners in the home
- Washing dishes in a sink of water
- Having quick showers instead of long baths.
- Conserving water while doing laundry
- Choose renewable sources of energy
- Buying products with less packaging
- Stop using plastics
- Bring your recyclable bags to the supermarket. (i’m sorry but this is a no brainer)
Climate control
Climate action is the pressing need of the hour. Unchecked global warming will most certainly lead to disastrous effects. Everyone can participate in small ways to protect the environment with beneficial results. Opt for a low carbon diet by reducing your meat consumption (agriculture is the single largest cause of deforestation), eat local and organic where possible to preserve the natural soil, reduce chemical and pesticide contamination and reduce carbon emissions from imports. Eat seasonal food and avoid processed food as much as possible. Be a part of the clean energy economy. Even if you can’t use solar panels or wind turbines, look online and become a member of the local energy co-operatives. Avoid investing in fossil fuels—finally, vote for leaders in the government who take climate change seriously.
Benefits of minimalism
In a society that prides itself on accumulating possessions, minimalism is the need of the hour. Minimalism is one of the best living practices and thankfully, right now it’s bang on trend with everything from home to wardrobe and accessories. At SCO we believe that there are various benefits to a minimalistic lifestyle, such as spending less, mental clarity, less stress, and more freedom and happiness. Less cleaning too which is always a plus. Above all, you’ll set an excellent example for your kids.
So how to be a minimalist? Start with a clean slate, set your rules for minimalism, organize items by category, use it, or donate the things that you have, minimize space and accumulate less.
Supporting organic
Great benefits await you and the environment when you support an organic way of life. Firstly, you reduce the toxic overload on your body and as a domino effect – your environment, by keeping chemicals out of the food chain, air, water and soil. Going organic minimizes farm pollution, builds healthy soil, protects future generations, helps to eat healthy foods, properly nourishes your body, gives you fresh and clean drinking water, promotes biodiversity, and above all, protects Mother Earth!
At Shirley Conlon Organics, we are grateful to Mother Nature for the beauty she provides us to work with in our formulas. We respect and celebrate her gifts by creating chemical-free and cruelty-free formulas in eco-friendly, sustainable packaging. We are always looking at ways to give back to Mother Nature. We believe that buying an organic product is a strong statement to Mother Earth!